Thursday, March 19, 2009

If you start thinking you are sweet, life will push you in a puddle...

So Ill be perfectly honest, Ive been pretty happy with my life and recent events in my little sphere of influence as of late. I just got back from a sweet cruise. Last Saturday was a long, hilarious, and thoroughly enjoyable early St. Paddy's Day celebration. I started work on Monday so this week has been pretty exciting and enjoyable. I finally have a life again and feel like I am able to wake each day with a purpose and directive, instead of just wondering what episodes of the Bernie Mac show I am going to get to watch on FX today. And see, the problem with having an awesome string of good things happen, is you keep expecting more and more good things to happen, in an increasing level of splendidness. Not necessarily because you think you deserve it, but because water flows downstream and this run continuing just makes sense. Earlier this week, as I contemplated how awesome it is to leave work at 3 (I can definitely get used to these trader hours), I was wondering what next? Perhaps a large inheritance from a great uncle in Germany I wasn't aware I had? Or maybe Evangeline Lilly was going to decide she was bored with being on Lost and would rather spend her time trying to seduce me instead? The sky was the limit. Until Fate/Karma/whatever that skeez is going by these days, decided to wake up on Wed morning and pay me a little visit.

So Wednesday morning, I am on the train going downtown, headphones on, bumping a little T.I. with a serious expression (yes, I like to listen to the King of the South on my way to work, helps me put my game face on) basically minding my own business and trying to wake up. There is a large man to my right who has spread his legs in the "Im too awesome to hold on to or lean on anything, so I will spread my legs to give me enough balance not to move when the train does" stance. Well, this mongoloid didn't seem to realize that, unlike the subway in NYC, this foolish maneuver doesn't work on CTA trains which shake, sway, and shimmy more than Beyonce's ass. So naturally, we go through an S-bend and he comes hurtling towards me. He forcefully smashes me up against a pole, giving me a face full of his leather jacket. Thankfully, I am unharmed and return to T.I. grimly thinking of how many poor bovine souls perished to make that leather tent he was wearing. Well I arrive at work and reach to turn off my mp3 player that was in my back pocket, only to find that the impact between me and Shrek crushed the screen making it un-viewable...FML

Oh and when I came home and decided to make this little gem my first ever post on, I was informed by the website that there have been too many entries and to try again later. Wait, so you are telling me that my life is now so FML'd that I can't even post an FML? Wow, I just don't even know what to say.

I woke up this morning hoping to put Wed behind me, albeit it in a music-less fashion, but still. Well, Im still getting used to my new sleeping routine. After 2 months of waking and going to bed when I pleased for the most part, it has been a struggle. Advice: Decide you are going to be an hour before you plan to. I say I am going to go to bed at 11, but I always end up fucking around and doing nonsense and before I know it, my sleep window is rapidly shrinking. Anyways, I wake up this morning and turn on the shower, and step into the warm spray. It was kind of cold in my apartment and the warm felt quite good I fell asleep. Yes, I somehow fell asleep in the shower...for 15 min. I woke up and was immediately hit with an "Oh snap" moment and hurried about and left my apartment with wet hair, looking like a professional walk of shame.

I got on the train and decided my day would improve from there, March Madness did start today after all. Well, the train ride was just me and my thoughts. And as evidenced by my last post, that is trouble. Luckily, I was inundated with all sorts of meaningless thoughts clearly only appearing when one is on the train without music. "Is it normal for a 23 year old man like myself to enjoy Goldfish crackers this much?" "I wonder if the guy who wrote the $5 footlong song is as annoying to everyone in his life as his song is in mine?" You get the idea. And my day was really solid until 30 min ago.

I was leaving the store after some errands where I see an officer writing me a ticket as my meter must have just expired. I come running up yelling that it was my car, stop, etc but was drowned out by traffic noise. I arrive at my car as he is putting the ticket in the envelope with a sad look on my face. Then the dude says "Why didn't you say anything? I would have stopped writing the ticket." I just looked at him. The last time this happened, the officer wasn't even half done writing the ticket but wouldn't stop and I had to stand there as he finished. Seriously, FML.

So don't feel high and mighty, cause life will laugh and kick you in the face. But I bet this means my weekend is going to be sweet...I mean horrible, I take nothing in life for granted...

So one of my good friends from my HS days, Ben, is in this sweet band called We the Living. They are kind of a big deal. They moved to LA and are doing it up right. They were in an episode of the Real World this season and Perez Hilton gave them a blog shout out (you know, all the things that make you really cool and important these days.) Anyways, its pretty funny going to see them whenever they make it back to the Midwest and seeing these girls drool and go all Jonas Brothers over them. But they toured all over the place, playing tiny little colleges, really paying their dues, so Im proud. So check out We the Living- Half the Girl or any of their other stuff really, its got that atmospheric U2, Coldplay, Death Cab thing going on. The main riff in Half the Girl just rocks my face. Good stuff.


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